2018 is winding down to a close. The excess eating of Thanksgiving is behind us. The Christmas frenzy is about to begin. Are you going to coast through the season and slide into 2019? Or are you going to review your year and your lessons and consciously make changes for the New Year, the New Beginning? What are you doing for yourselves and for your family as you experience these endings and new beginnings? For me, this has been a roller coaster year. Much has ended in my life that I had desperately clung on to. Things that were familiar to me, but not good for me. Things that I had needed to let go long ago. Things that have not supported me. I've also unconsciously clung onto things that others have put upon me. Criticisms and judgments by those who should be closest to me and support me. Doubts and fears from those who don't believe in me. I let all this creep into my heart unsuspectingly. Dealing with challenging situations in my life distracted me from what's truly important. The answer for it all? Compassion. Compassion is the answer. Compassion for myself, my situation, and for those who judge and criticize me. Compassion is the extension of love and as corny as it sounds, our world would be transformed it we all loved as we are called to do. As a Catholic Christian, I know I am called to love everyone. This doesn't mean that I allow people to treat me as less than. It means knowing my worth and setting firm and loving boundaries around how people treat me. Compassion is my "word" for 2019. Some people say compassion is too "soft" of a word. But in reality, Compassion is powerful. Compassion is kind and courageous. Flexible, yet firm. Supple and strong. Bold and beautiful. Compassion is truly caring ~ for self and others. Because if we don't care for ourselves, how can we truly care for others? How can we give the great gift of ourselves if we have nothing inside to give? If we give it all away without refilling it? As I refill my cup, I want to help you fill yours. Let me know in the comments below what you are doing to fill your own cup in 2019. Contact me if you'd like to join my online coaching program in 2019 ~ designed to help you heal and maintain your Six Pillars of Health ~ all at crazy-low, affordable-for-everyone prices. Whatever you do, take this next month to really evaluate your year. Look at what went right and look at what went wrong. What direction are you going in? Are you on the path that you wanted to be on? If not, what course corrections can you make to bring you back? Are you paying attention to all Six Pillars of Health? If not, what is suffering? Then make a plan for change in 2019. Small, incremental changes. Or big lifestyle changes. Realize that you have to plan for both. You need more support for the big changes. Put that into your plan. Enjoy this last season of the year. Don't let the holiday mania drive your choices and your days. Take control one day at a time. Reflect and re-evaluate. Plan and begin anew each day. Make 2019 your best year yet!
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AuthorMy passion is to help others to live their lives to the fullest. Taking OWNERSHIP of your health and your life by knowing what creates health and wellness will allow you to make truly informed choices that will add to your wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of your family, your community, society and ultimately the world... Archives
December 2019
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