Learn what creates health and wellness and what diminishes it so you can take responsibility of your own health and wellness, rather than accepting and allowing outside factors or other people to control it. Focus may be placed on one Pillar of Health or on all Six Pillars. An overview may be presented, as well as factors that influence decision making and personal accountability (and how to handle outside resistance). This can be presented as a 1-2 hour keynote speech, a breakout workshop or an entire wellness course or series of courses. It can be tailored to the corporate setting or, as with all the courses, can be offered as in-the-home seminars. Want dramatic changes in health? Join the TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE 90-Day Online Coaching Program that blends my Take OWNERSHIP Coaching with Cellular Health and Detox training/coaching.
Inspirational/Motivational Courses ~ Speaker or Coach
Get motivated and inspired to live your best life now! Examine your life and make the changes necessary in the time frame appropriate to you. Many aspects may be covered, such as personal transformation, transitions, and finding your purpose, as well as having the patience when things are not moving as fast as you would like them to. Or just get inspired and motivated! Your choice. They can be presented as keynote speeches, half or full day seminars or retreats and are tailored to any setting or circumstances. Mindset and inspiration/motivation is included in my TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE 90-Day Online Coaching Program which includes complimentary lifetime access to my membership site once the program is completed.
Mindfulness Courses ~ Speaker or Coach
Learn the benefits of mindfulness, as well as the impact that stress has on our lives. Educational courses include discussion of stress, what we can do about it, how to live fully, and how mindfulness, or lack of it, impacts our daily lives. Experiential courses include meditation sessions or an 8-week intensive mindfulness based stress reduction/relaxation training designed to achieve physiological and psychological changes through lifestyle changes. These courses/programs/sessions can be adapted to a 1-2 hour keynote presentation, customized sessions or the 8-week training program. These courses are ideal for the corporate setting and are easily adaptable to the smaller in-home-seminar setting. I will be adapting online training to be included in my TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE 90-Day Online Coaching Program, which includes complimentary lifetime access to my membership site once the program is completed.
Real Food and Nutrition Courses ~ Speaker or Coach
Learn what food is and isn’t, examine your eating patterns and how to change them, and learn why REAL food is so critical to your overall health and wellbeing. Challenging food topics may be focused on, such as gluten free, grain free, allergy-friendly, anti-inflammatory, paleo and more. They can be customized as 1-2 hour sessions, an entire seminar or series of courses. They are ideal in-home seminars or can be part of a wellness program along with the Back to the Kitchen courses to get people to make lasting changes. Online courses are available and portions will be included in my TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE 90-Day Online Coaching Program which includes complimentary lifetime access to my membership site once the program is completed.
Back to the Kitchen Courses ~ Speaker or Coach
Learn the skills necessary to take charge of your health and get back into the kitchen and get cooking! Learn basic foundational skills, more advanced skills and kitchen management skills. Run your kitchen and your home as a loving business. The cooking skills range from very basic skills to specific preparation techniques, such as fermentation, cooking meat and more. These skills are no longer passed down but are readily learned. These lessons can be offered as demonstrational or hands on. They can be a part of a corporate wellness program or can be held in homes or teaching kitchens. These programs are easily tailored to children to get them in the kitchen and cooking! Online courses are available and In-The-Kitchen videos will be included in my TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE 90-Day Online Coaching Program which includes complimentary lifetime access to my membership site once the program is completed.
Healthcare, Professional and Leadership Seminars ~ Speaker, Coach or Mastermind
Increase the knowledge and personal development of yourself or your employees. These courses, seminars and retreats are easily adapted into keynote presentations and partial or full day seminars or retreats. Course topics range from physiology and pathophysiology, stress and illness, customer service issues and healthcare topics such as caring for the whole patient, caring for the family, ethics, end of life issues, and much more. In the healthcare setting, acute and chronic care can be covered and adapted to all areas from outpatient to home care to critical care, and more. Professional development topics, such as conflict resolution, difficult clinical situations, professional skills and the new nurse/healthcare professional are also offered. Target audiences for healthcare topics can include all hospital areas and employees, depending on needs. Business and leadership topics can be tailored to the corporate, personal improvement or healthcare settings.